Rise of the Footsoldier: Marbella (2019) Stream KKiste

Jahr: 2019
Zeit: 85 min.
Das Land: Vereinigte Staaten
Regisseur: Andrew Loveday
Darsteller: Craig Fairbrass, Terry Stone, Roland Manookian, Emily Wyatt, Byron Gibson, Sandra Portillo, Andrew Loveday, David G Mahoney, Gary Driscoll
Rise of the Footsoldier: Marbella streamkiste... Fresh out of prison, Pat Tate steps right back into his Essex nightclub. But still disgruntled, he soon sets out to Marbelle to revenge those that put him away for five years. While in Spain, Pat cannot turn away from the opportunity to score the biggest drug deal of his life. All he needs is for his Essex pals Tony and Craig to deliver the cash to Marbella to close the deal. But Craig, useless as ever, turns a simple plane trip to a massive road trip packed with trickery and danger. And Tony is more worried about making it back to England as he has promised to support his best friend Nigel Benn at the boxing match of his life. While waiting in Marbella, Pat proceeds with the violent revenge he has craved for years. Revenges are made and Tony and Carlton walk Nigel Benn out to what turns out to be one of the most tragic fights in history. But the drugs they bring back seems to be a bad batch and cause them more trouble than they have ever anticipated before.
Rise of the Footsoldier: Marbella (2019)
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