Frieden, Liebe und Death Metal (2022) Stream KKiste

Jahr: 2022
Genre: Kinofilme / Drama
Zeit: 130 min.
Das Land: Frankreich, Spanien
Regisseur: Isaki Lacuesta
Darsteller: Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, Noémie Merlant, Quim Gutiérrez, Alba Guilera, Natalia de Molina, C. Tangana, Enric Auquer, Blanca Apilánez, Bruno Todeschini
Frieden, Liebe und Death Metal streamkiste... Ramón and Céline are a young couple that attended a concert at the Bataclan theatre in Paris on the fateful night of November 13, 2015. They survive the attack, but when they leave the theatre, they are no longer the same. That night leaves a deep scar on both their lives and each tries to cope with the aftermath as best they can. Céline desperately tries to leave the events behind her, clinging to her previous life, while Ramón repeatedly goes back to that night, trying to remember and understand what happened. Nonetheless, they both face the same key question: how to reconnect and move on together?
Frieden, Liebe und Death Metal (2022)
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