Dragon Hunt (1990) Stream KKiste

Jahr: 1990
Genre: Kinofilme / Action
Zeit: 84 min.
Das Land: Vereinigte Staaten
Regisseur: Charlie Wiener
Darsteller: Martin McNamara, Michael McNamara, B. Bob, Charles Ambrose, Karl Adhihetty, Ed Tyson
Dragon Hunt streamkiste... The people's private army and their crazed leader Jake, have a simple plan - take over the world. But, there are three things in their way, money and two deadly kickboxers - The Twin Dragons. Jake's devious plan has the Twin Dragons captured, drugged, and set loose on an island for a little game called "Kill the Twins." Outnumbered and out-gunned, the Twins spring into action turning the hunters into the hunted.
Dragon Hunt (1990)
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