A Man of Reason (2023) Stream KKiste

Jahr: 2023
Zeit: 103 min.
Das Land: Sudkorea
Regisseur: Jung Woo-sung
Darsteller: Jung Woo-sung, Kim Nam-gil, Park Sung-woong, Kim Jun-han, Park You-na, Lee Elijah
A Man of Reason streamkiste... After 10 years of incarceration on behalf of his employer, all Su-hyuk wants is a normal life - one he hopes will include his former girlfriend, Min-seo, and their daughter, In-bi. But once you've penetrated the upper echelons of the underworld, normal can prove hard to come by. Sometime in the past decade, meanwhile, Su-hyuk's employer has adopted an air of legitimacy. These days, the old gang steal and murder in the name of urban development. And they want the reluctant Su-hyuk on board.
A Man of Reason (2023)
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