Das Königreich des Nussknackers (2015) Stream KKiste

Jahr: 2015
Zeit: 80 min.
Das Land: Peru
Regisseur: Eduardo Schuldt
Darsteller: Alicia Silverstone, Ed Asner, Drake Bell, Grant George, Wendee Lee, Karen Strassman, Kirk Thornton, Rick Zieff
Das Königreich des Nussknackers streamkiste... It is Christmas Eve and the Silberhaus children are excited for the festivities to begin. Marie and Fritz are playing in the children's room when their godfather Drosselmayer arrives and presents them with an early Christmas gift, a Nutcracker. Marie witnesses a great battle between a vast army of toy soldiers led by the Nutcracker against a terrible platoon of mice commanded by the Mouse King. Follow Marie and Fritz's journey in the Kingdom of Dolls, through the Christmas Forest, past the Almond Milk Sea, and the Palace of the Marzipans.
Das Königreich des Nussknackers (2015)
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