Kampf der Giganten (1976) Stream KKiste

Jahr: 1976
Zeit: 80 min.
Das Land: Vereinigte Staaten
Regisseur: Burt Rashby
Darsteller: Hui Cambrelen, Pui Chan, Fumio Demura, Tom Ebihara, Master Wai Hong, Dan Inosanto, Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Master Moses Powell
Kampf der Giganten streamkiste... This documentary is about martial arts; about their beauty and their lethal potential, their history and their present status. It is also about their place in a modern society whose escalating crime rate and violence is making the knowledge of self defense a necessity for more and more ordinary people, especially women. The viewer is bombarded with a series of top rated martial artists. Fifteen top practitioners of Karate, Kung Fu, Jujitsu, Kendo, Tai Chi Chuan and Classical Oriental Weaponry pay tribute to the martial arts master of all time, Bruce Lee. Their expertise is brought to life before the probing eye of the motion picture camera, that delves into the Americanization of these arts. In addition to exhibiting their deadly skills, the masters talk honestly about themselves and about their mystical, spiritual and philosophic thoughts on the ancient art of self defense.
Kampf der Giganten (1976)
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