The Instructor (1983) Stream KKiste

Jahr: 1983
Genre: Kinofilme / Action
Zeit: 91 min.
Das Land: USA
Regisseur: Don Bendell
Darsteller: Bob Chaney, Don Bender, Bob Saal, Steve Boergadine, Lynday Scharnott, Hank Gordon, Bruce Wendell
The Instructor streamkiste... The action never stops in this stunt-packed karate extravaganza of a black belt instructor who proves that his talents and expertise can be used to defend instead of destroy. The Instructor runs a local karate school and tries to impart to his students a sense of dignity along with the intricacies of the sport. When he is threatened by a rival school’s owner he puts his teachings into action. Through spectacular car chases and gripping hand-to-hand battles he tracks, pursues and corners his adversary
The Instructor (1983)
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