Und morgen die ganze Welt (2020) Stream KKiste
Jahr: 2020
Zeit: 111 min.
Das Land: Deutschland, Frankreich
Regisseur: Julia von Heinz
Darsteller: Mala Emde, Noah Saavedra, Luisa-Céline Gaffron, Andreas Lust
Und morgen die ganze Welt streamkiste... Luisa, a 20-year-old law student, joins a cell of the Antifa group when she and her friends Alfa and Lenor get to know about an upcoming attack planned by a local neo-Nazi gang. As they try to find out more, the three youngsters delve deeper into the scene linked to right-wing movements and their political connections, to the point where they will understand how much they are willing to go further, in order to defend their own beliefs.

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