Und morgen die ganze Welt (2020) Stream KKiste

Jahr: 2020
Genre: Kinofilme / Drama
Zeit: 111 min.
Das Land: Deutschland, Frankreich
Regisseur: Julia von Heinz
Darsteller: Mala Emde, Noah Saavedra, Luisa-Céline Gaffron, Andreas Lust
Und morgen die ganze Welt streamkiste... Luisa, a 20-year-old law student, joins a cell of the Antifa group when she and her friends Alfa and Lenor get to know about an upcoming attack planned by a local neo-Nazi gang. As they try to find out more, the three youngsters delve deeper into the scene linked to right-wing movements and their political connections, to the point where they will understand how much they are willing to go further, in order to defend their own beliefs.
Und morgen die ganze Welt (2020)
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