Der Mann, der sich in Luft auflöste (1980) Stream KKiste
Jahr: 1980
Zeit: 111 min.
Das Land: BRD, Ungarn, Schweden
Regisseur: Péter Bacsó
Darsteller: Derek Jacobi, Judy Winter, Thomas Oredsson, Lasse Strömstedt, Ferenc Bács, Åke Lagergren, Kjell Bergqvist, Staffan Götestam, Helena Brodin
Der Mann, der sich in Luft auflöste streamkiste... The journalist Alf Mattson gets thoroughly drunk at his birthday party, where his wife announces that she intends to divorce him. He is knocked down on the street and is later carried home by a friend. The next day he is to fly to Budapest in order to make a report for the Stockholm television. Mattson disappears in Budapest.

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