Sunray: Fallen Soldier (2025) Stream KKiste

Jahr: 2025
Zeit: 116 min.
Das Land: Großbritannien
Regisseur: James Clarke, Daniel Shephard
Darsteller: Tip Cullen, Tom Leigh, Luke Solomon, Steven Blades, Andy Gatenby, Kevin Golding, Franky Lankester, Alex Montagnani, Will Bowden
Sunray: Fallen Soldier streamkiste... After dedicating his entire life to service in the armed forces Andy now struggles to slot back into a world he no longer recognises. Now forced to confront the death of his daughter following a fatal encounter with drugs he becomes hell-bent on finding those responsible. With nothing to lose, a violent criminal underworld unravels in his wake. Set against a backdrop of realistic, fast-paced action, guided by high-quality military drills; and created by UK Armed Forces veterans. Sunray challenges the perceptions of mental health and the struggles that soldiers face when re-integrating back into civilian life.
Sunray: Fallen Soldier (2025)
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