DC Showcase: Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth! (2021) Stream KKiste

Jahr: 2021
Zeit: 18 min.
Das Land: Vereinigte Staaten
Regisseur: Matt Peters
Darsteller: Cameron Monaghan, Steve Blum, Adam Gifford, Armen Taylor
DC Showcase: Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth! streamkiste... Kamandi and his friends Prince Tuftan of the Tiger Kingdom and humanoid mutant Ben Boxer are kidnapped by a gorilla cult dedicated to finding the reincarnation of their god, The Mighty One. Golgan, the cult’s leader, puts Kamandi’s team through a series of deadly tests to find if any of them know the secret of … The Mighty One.
DC Showcase: Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth! (2021)
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