Just for the Summer (2020) Stream KKiste

Jahr: 2020
Zeit: 90 min.
Das Land: Vereinigte Staaten
Regisseur: David I. Strasser
Darsteller: Hayley Sales, Brant Daugherty, Linda Darlow, Tasha Simms, Emma Johnson, Cassidy Nugent, Drew Weston, Charlie Nesbitt, Ken Camroux-Taylor
Just for the Summer streamkiste... Penelope Campbell loves her annual summer vacations visiting her Grandma Dot, despite Dot's constant attempts to set her up with every single man in town. This year, she bumps into Jason Humphrey, her childhood sweetheart. In order to evade the efforts of their matchmaking grandmothers, they make a pact pretending to date each other, but will the old sparks return?
Just for the Summer (2020)
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